Community centre renewal project

Built in 1937 our large hall with kitchen and ancilliary rooms has been the scene of many a convivial club, class and party over the past 80 years.  Apart from an occaisional lick of paint there’s been little change and they’re now a bit tired in parts and down right cold and leaky in others.

So after much discussion with the congregation and current users we have come up with a scheme to revitalise the halls.  In the next few years you will be able to see:

  • a proper wide stair case linking the listed Church building with the halls
  • a wheelchair accessible lift up to the Church and choir vestry
  • a replacement flat roof over the link building that keeps us dry
  • a new warm, bright, accessible choir vestry open to all (it currently fails most regulations for public use!)
  • more numerous and new toilets, which will allow the Church and community users to host larger events or several events at once
  • bright cosy meeting rooms behind the stage

You won’t be able to see it but we’ll be adding:

  •  masses of insulation
  • a new heating system

Community groups told us that they want to keep the stage so we altered our plans to meet the needs of local groups.



Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.  If you’d like to contribute please contact the office.



Phase 1 Spring 2018

Phase 2 Autumn 2018

Phase 3 2019 tbc




November 7, 2017