Phase 2 Autumn 2018: The Link



Joining the church to the halls and providing kitchen and toilets for both buildings is the Link. Refurbishing this is the biggest (and most expensive) part of our project.

Problems with the Link

The flat roof has been repaired numerous times but is now well past its natural life.  Water cascades down the walls in places when there’s heavy rain

The opening through the church narthex is only 61 cms wide.

Access between the two buildings is up and down a narrow turnpike staircase

It is difficult for people with limited mobility to get up the stairs to the church and choir vestry, impossible for people in wheelchairs

The four toilets are cold and shabby

There’s no insulation and it’s very difficult to heat in winter


Things the Link has going for it:

Bright light upstairs room suitable for 30 people to meet

Large kitchen

Toilets and drainage

Direct access from a small car park


Solving the problems with the Link:

Replacing the holey flat roof with a new one

Putting six clean new toilets (one accessible) all on one level

Increasing the size of the opening between the two buildings and doing away with the up/down steps

Adding a wide staircase

Adding a wheelchair lift

Opening up sightlines so people can easily see where they’re headed

To acheive this the choir vestry will move from its present position to over the kitchen – and at last the choir can rehearse in a warm dry room that we’ll be able to open up to other groups


Results we’re hoping for:

Both the halls and church are clean, warm, welcoming buildings where people want to gather

Older members of our congregation find it easier to get into church

Concerts and other events happening in the church on the six days a week it’s not used for worship

The choir have a warm, dry room to rehearse in

A light, bright, accessible room where small and medium groups want to meet




December 21, 2017